
Study to Continue on Alternative-Fuel Cars

Ventura County supervisors have agreed to continue studying a proposal to expand the county’s use of alternative-fuel vehicles to help improve the region’s air quality.

The supervisors said they are especially interested in using vehicles that run on compressed natural gas.

The county’s General Services Agency has already ordered two such vehicles and will consider purchasing more in the future, depending on the availability of the fuel, officials said.


Although there are only two compressed natural gas fueling sites in the county, both in Oxnard, county officials said Tuesday they are consulting with gas company officials about providing the county with its own fueling station.

A special task force studying alternative-fuel vehicles will make its final recommendations to the Board of Supervisors in the fall.

The county, which has a fleet of about 1,000 vehicles, now owns eight methanol-powered cars. But large fluctuations in fuel prices, the limited availability of methanol stations and other issues concerning engine wear have prompted officials to explore other alternative-fuel sources.
