
San Gabriel Valley : CUT TO THE CHASE

It’s shorter than Newt’s budget. It cuts more bucks than Newt’s budget.

It’s April Reese’s budget.

Say who?

The 18-year-old senior at South Pasadena High School devised a budget that cuts the national deficit by $30 billion, nearly twice the amount proposed by Congress.

The budget proposal was one of 15 worked up by the school’s students in civics class. Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead (R-Glendale) has promised to deliver the proposals to House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.).

Reese’s budget, which she devised with Lindsay Quan, increases spending on health care, education, justice and the environment, while most other sectors of the federal government get cut, including defense.


No one said they were trying to make Newt happy.
