
No Zoo, Amphitheater Allowed for Posh Resort : Agoura: Supervisor’s plan restricts expansion of Fantasy Island. Neighbors have complained of noise.


Fantasy Island, a glitzy retreat in Agoura that has drawn the ire of its neighbors, must adhere to strict noise rules and will not be allowed to expand, according to a plan brokered by Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.

The list of conditions, approved in principle on Wednesday, and expected to be formally OKd by the full board later this month, favors neighbors who have complained that the 3-year-old resort produces too much noise, light and traffic for the rural canyon.

Neighbors also have said that because Triunfo Canyon Road provides the only access in and out of the area, a crowd at the restaurant and gardens could block emergency vehicles and create a life-threatening bottleneck in the event of fire.


Fantasy Island, at 3130 Triunfo Canyon Road, is a popular spot for weddings and bar mitzvahs. Situated in a 23-acre oak forest, its amenities include a dance pavilion, fish ponds, artificial waterfalls and mood lighting.

Fred Gaines, the Sherman Oaks attorney representing Fantasy Island, argued that it had violated no laws and was being penalized unfairly by the Board of Supervisors.

“We are concerned that despite the tremendous investment my client has put into Fantasy Island, and though he has followed the rules . . . that we are still looking at conditions that are putting us out of business,” Gaines said. “The issues are small, but important.”


But Yaroslavsky said he and his staff had worked hard not to endanger the business’s economic vitality. Last month, he said, he visited the retreat and met with its owner, Avihu Datner.

“I believe these conditions are reasonable,” Yaroslavsky said. “We’ve bent over more than backward not to break Mr. Datner.”

The potential conditions include:

* Providing a list of scheduled events to both the local sheriff’s station and the county Health Department on either a monthly basis or as the events are scheduled.


* Paying for the county Health Department to conduct at least eight noise tests at the site annually.

* Installing a directional sound system in the dance pavilion, which would keep the music limited to the dance floor and aim it away from surrounding homes.

* Limiting maximum occupancy to 150 people.

Fantasy Island will be allowed to continue its restaurant and to host weddings and other events, as well as seminars, business conferences and a youth camp. But its plans for an amphitheater, zoo and increased operating hours were turned down.

Despite the setbacks, residents remained upset about the number of events the park has planned this summer, according to Warren Willig, president of the Triunfo-Lobo Canyon Community Assn. But Yaroslavsky said their concerns will be added to the final agreement between Datner and the county, which could take effect as soon as Aug. 1.

The county Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Nov. 15 to determine whether Fantasy Island has adhered to the conditions.
