
Cybill Shepherd, Meet Barbra Streisand

I am a fan of Cybill Shepherd’s “Cybill,” and I respect and admire her outspoken support of the human and civil rights of gays and lesbians. However, in her interview with Don Heckman (“Cybill’s Moonlight Serenade,” Calendar, July 19), Ms. Shepherd made an overstatement, if not an error. She claimed that with the live vocals employed in “At Long Last Love” “Peter [Bogdanovich] reinvented a system that hadn’t been used since the ‘30s.” Actually, under the co-direction of Herbert Ross and William Wyler, Barbra Streisand sang “My Man” live for “Funny Girl,” her 1968 film debut.


Biographer, “Her Name Is Barbra”

Los Angeles
