
The Happiest Company on Earth Gets Risque

Even if ABC/Cap Cities hasn’t noticed this, the Social Climes staff has. We refer to the fact that a lot of un-Disney-like material has been emanating lately from the company that was once saccharinely synonymous with “family values.”

To wit: the already overpublicized involvement of the company that gave us “Bambi,” with such NC-17 fare as “Kids” and the upcoming “Showgirl.”

But there’s more.

What’s the deal, we’d like to know, with its billboard ads? First there was that series that showed the backside of a camouflaged elephant along with such suggestive headlines as, “Dumbo Drops Soon.” And an informal poll indicates that we’re not the only ones who’ve done a double take at the billboard advertising the CD anthology of 60 years of “Classic Disney” tunes.


It seems that at first glance, the round Mickey Mouse-head shape inside the square CD case looks like . . . well, it looks like what you buy when you don’t want kids.

Kiss and Tell: For those who haven’t yet heard, the hottest item being passed around Hollywood is not a book or screenplay, but a voice mail message. The message was left accidentally on a New York stockbroker’s voice mail by a woman who obviously dialed the wrong number.

Thinking she was talking to a friend, the unidentified lass with a Long Island accent gives a blow-by-blow account of her date the night before, 90% percent of which is unpublishable here.

It was posted on Bob Guccione’s Penthouse World Wide Web page, and from there it has made its way to Hollywood where it’s making the rounds of the studios courtesy of the information blue highway.


Divine Attraction: Needless to say, within a week of Hugh Grant’s arrest, Hollywood’s Grave Line tours had added the corner of Sunset and Courtney to its itinerary. “It’s really funny because the very next spot on the tour is where Divine died and Divine was our very first customer,” says Grave Line co-director Scott Michaels, referring to the Falstaffian drag queen who starred in many of John Waters’ films.

“I have to explain who that Divine was because a lot of people think I mean the hooker,” Michaels said. To date, Grave Line has taken more than 200 eager gawkers past the infamous intersection.

Considering the latter Miss Divine’s rehabilitation into a starlet, it’s nice to know that now the Schwab’s lunch counter is gone, Hollywood has spawned a new spot for people to be discovered.


