
KLSX and New Format

Re “KLSX’s Food for Thought? Shelf Is Bare” (Calendar, Aug. 19). While I agree that KLSX’s talk format is “essentially brain liposuction,” I think there’s something to be said for giving the stodgy, conservative KABC, KMPC and KFI some competition.

Perhaps in time, KLSX’s hosts will start talking about the kinds of issues that will inspire people like me to pick up the phone and join in.


Long Beach


Thanks to Steve Hochman for his vote of confidence concerning KLSX and its new “Real Radio” format. After the format had been on the air about seven days, he approached his assignment with all the unbiased receptiveness of an 8-year-old trying his first turnip.


A radio format isn’t a movie or an album, both of which by nature of their process are created without interference until it’s what the artist wants the public to see. We don’t have that luxury. His “review” painted a picture of a circus sideshow--we rather fancy that.

Hochman spent most of his article exposing the overexposed. Kato got a radio job! So did G. Gordon Liddy. Michael Milken taught at UCLA. No problem. But why Kato? You only mentioned him 10 times in your piece. Hmm? Welcome to the web, Steve. Thanks from the promotions department.



Los Angeles

Golden in Eyes of Beholder
