
Nothing Seedy About Sylmar but Pumpkins

* Re: Reference to “seedy Sylmar” in Scott Harris’ column, “Comment Hits Hometown and It Hits Back” (July 9). I moved into the Sylmar area two years ago from Hollywood. Fourteen years in Hollywood, my nerves were shattered. This was the best thing I could have done.

Presently I live on a two-acre farm, surrounded by an olive grove and near picturesque foothills. Roosters awaken me in the morning as I gather fresh eggs from my Rhode Island red hens. In the evening my daughter and I go for our daily walk, passing horses and buggies, equestrians and an occasional cow on a leash. The only thing seedy about Sylmar is the large bottle of pumpkin seeds that I had better hurry and plant if I want a Jack-o-lantern in time for Halloween.


