
Professionals Use the Bus System Too

* Regarding your article on Aug. 12 about the Orange County Transportation Authority carrying depressed, homeless people: I’m here to say that I save over $460 a month riding the bus instead of buying a car. Orange County has enough vehicles on the freeways (see the El Toro Y) and not to mention how it affects the ozone. Couldn’t you use $460-plus a month?

Public transportation is very popular back East (i.e., Washington, New York, Boston) but California refuses to think it is “classy enough.”

We need to be environmentally aware of our surroundings and accept change. Can you imagine how many more vehicles will be on the freeways by the year 2025?


I enjoy reading, relaxing, saving money and arriving to work less stressed, as well as helping the environment.

As a 32-year-old professional, I am not too proud to ride the bus. I thought it shallow to think it was all welfare, poor people with no families. Ride the bus again not as a reporter, but as an unbiased passenger.


Newport Beach

* It just amazes me how our county leaders continue to solve this bankruptcy deficit by stealing from Peter to give to Paul. Yet they sit on the board and continue to collect their salaries (along with Pete Wilson, who campaigns while still on the payroll). Yet they ask us to continue to sacrifice. They now plan on pulling the transportation system from under us. What city in the world would think of crippling their transportation system, which is the heart of any city, no matter how poor it may be? Think of London, Paris or New York doing this.


Our public transportation is inept to begin with; now let’s cripple it completely and [hurt] those poor people who use it, not too mention our teens and children who try to get around in a county that has done nothing for them.

No! Let’s not take money from the Orange County transportation system to solve our budget problem, but from the salaries of the county supervisors and the governor, who is not present in Sacramento anyway.


Laguna Niguel
