
Grocery Carts in San Diego Creek

* During the past months I have watched, with much concern, the saga of the errant grocery carts. Many letters appeared in The Times regarding this ongoing problem with these carts in our local neighborhoods. What about other areas?

I use the bike trails adjacent to San Diego Creek in Irvine, UC Irvine and Newport Back Bay several days each week. Since the heavy rains and flooding in January and February, I’ve noticed at least a dozen grocery carts lying in the creek bed and Back Bay next to Jamboree Road Bridge.

These make nice perches for the herons and gulls but are very unsightly to the passing joggers, bikers and public. I asked City of Irvine work crews, Orange County park workers and Orange County flood control personnel, who is responsible for the cart removal? All pointed fingers at the other agencies. I was told prisoner work crews would pick up the carts. None have been removed [after] six months.


What must we do to clean up this blight in our once beautiful San Diego Creek and Back Bay? R.A. WILLIAMS

