

Here are the paintings upon which the Showtime “Picture Windows” episodes are based and their film masters. Each evening’s trilogy begins at 8.

Oct. 1

Soir Bleu: Based on the 1914 painting by Edward Hopper and directed by Norman Jewison. Alan Arkin, Dan Hedaya and Rosana DeSota star.

Song of Songs: Inspired by Sandro Botticelli’s “La Primavera” and directed by Peter Bogdanovich. George Segal, Sally Kirkland and Brooke Adams star.


Language of the Heart: Inspired by Edward Degas’ “The Rehearsal” and directed by Jonathan Kaplan. Michael Lerner stars.

Oct. 29

Lightning: Featuring the paintings of Frederic Remington and directed by Joe Dante. Brian Keith, Kathleen Quinlan, Ron Perlman and Henry Jones star.

Two Nudes Bathing: Based on the anonymous 16th Century painting that hangs in the Louvre in Paris; written and directed by John Boorman. John Hurt and Charley Boorman star.


Armed Response: Inspired by David Hockney’s “Pool With Two Figures” and directed by Bob Rafelson. Robert Loggia stars.
