
OPEN SEASON: The Mighty Ducks’ home opener...

OPEN SEASON: The Mighty Ducks’ home opener Wednesday at The Pond of Anaheim will feature a laser show, fireworks, new Wild Wing routines and an unnamed “special guest” to sing the U.S. and Canadian national anthems. The hockey game between the Ducks and the Vancouver Canucks follows the pregame show. . . . The Ducks have sold out 49 consecutive games at The Pond, but tickets for Wednesday night are still available.

KEEPING POSTED: Don’t expect former Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee to have a revisionist view of Richard Nixon now that Watergate is two decades past. In his memoirs, “A Good Life,” now on the bestseller list, Bradlee writes: “It was always Richard Nixon who got Nixon, not the press. . . . He was smack in the middle of the cover-up, beginning at least with Day Two.” . . . Bradlee also mentions once debating here in Orange County a close friend, Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater--with the audience all pro-Goldwater.

HAPPY BAD MAN: The B Western Film Festival in Birmingham, England, invites only one American guest star a year. This year, it’s B Western movie bad man Pierce Lyden of Orange. . . . Lyden, who leaves today for England, appeared in more than 100 oaters during his heyday. This is his fifth Western festival this year, including one in Lone Pine this month where he served as grand marshal. . . . But at 87, he says, “I think it’s just about time to hang them up.”
