
Cal State Fullerton Fan Wants His Football Back

College football is one of the most popular sports on the planet. Interest in college football spans not only the student body of a university but also the alumni and the community. In fact, no other activity draws more awareness to a university other than football. Virtually every university in America realizes this except Cal State Fullerton. In fact, there are fewer than a dozen schools the size of CSUF that do not field a football team.

We all saw the tremendous interest created by our national championship baseball team. Imagine the impact of a successful football program. Remember it was only 12 years ago that the Titans were rated among the Top 20 in the country in football. We were league champions and even went to a bowl game. It can happen.

Football is the front porch of a university. Without getting people to the front porch, it is very difficult to get them in the door.



Huntington Beach
