
Robert Mitchum, “Calypso--Is Like So. . . ,” Scamp ***.

The cover photo--tough-guy actor Mitchum staring at the camera with a drink in one hand and a curvy model at his side--suggests a soundtrack from a Mitchum film. But no. It’s a collection of calypso songs--including one novelty about parents’ chagrin over the emerging rock ‘n’ roll--that was recorded in the ‘50s by calypso fan Mitchum as a labor of love. It’s an affectionate work, but one that hardly rises above the curiosity level. One of the two bonus tracks is the non-calypso “The Ballad of Thunder Road,” which was a modest early-’60s hit for the actor.

Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor), two stars (fair), three stars (good) and four stars (e x cellent).
