
Schools : Education news : TUSTIN : $10,000 Awarded for Classroom Projects

More than $10,000 in classroom project grants has been been awarded to teachers in 10 schools for 1995-96 by the Tustin Public Schools Foundation. They are:

* Evelyn Brantley and Pat Hayward, who will buy reading readiness books and materials for third-grade classes at Estock Elementary.

* Christine Cantrell, microscopes for science classes at Hewes Middle School.

* Karen Jannig, an ecology system for Currie Middle School.

* Jim Kollias, stringed instruments for the Tustin Unified School District Orchestra.

* Vickie Fleming, funding for Tustin High School student community service projects.

* Sharon Tash, CD-ROM writing and research programs for Beswick Elementary.

* Kevin Obillo, multimedia equipment for Beswick.

* Tustin Ranch Elementary, dictionaries and reference books.

* Leilani Alamillo, calculators for Foothill High.

* Claudia Flint and Lyn Steinle, geography programs for fifth-graders at Heideman and seventh-graders at Utt Middle School.
