
Panorama City : Open House Marks New WIC Building

The Northeast Valley Health Corp. showcases its new, larger Women, Infants and Children facility with an open house today.

The old WIC building “was impossible,” said Deborah Williams, area coordinator for the corporation. “It got to the point that we had to have people wait outside. We didn’t have the room.”

The new 3,000-square-foot clinic, which offers nutrition and health education, counseling services and supplemental food vouchers for pregnant women and young mothers, has nearly twice as much space as the old building.


The clinic was seeing 6,900 women a month at the old location, and officials said that is expected to grow to 7,500 at the new site, where the clinic moved at the end of October.

The new facility at 8224 Van Nuys Blvd., Panorama City, is a couple of doors away from the old site.

The open house runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. A mural by artist Paula Golden showing families playing will be unveiled at 12:30 p.m.


For information on the WIC program, call (800) 313-4942 or (818) 361-7541.
