
House Vote to Ban Partial-Birth Abortions

Re “House Votes to Criminalize Partial-Birth Abortions,” March 28: The rhetoric over this legislation often has nothing to do with the reality. My husband and I know all too well. We recently became pregnant with our first child and after almost six months we had to make the painful decision to terminate the pregnancy. We were told by my physicians that our child was suffering from uterine growth retardation and there was no hope for a positive outcome. On the recommendation from my physicians I underwent the procedure of dilation and extraction to end the suffering and pain of both my child and myself. We lost our child, our son, on July 19, 1995.

Since that time our lives have been filled with sorrow, loss and now disbelief that this procedure might be outlawed by Congress. Doing so would take away the option for women to end the suffering of their unborn children and allow the federal government to prosecute their physicians.



* The vote to ban the grisly partial-birth abortion procedure is now threatened by a presidential veto. This final decision rests with a man who once said he only wanted abortion to the point of being “safe, legal and rare.” Will President Clinton now succumb to the pressure of abortion rights extremists and exclude his personal feeling of anguish over this controversy?


President Clinton stands at a crossroads. Will his signature be guided by the visage of a brutalized unborn child or a second term? His judgment has the potential of setting a new course for human rights. The lives of innocent children depend upon it.


Santa Maria

* The vote in the House limiting some late-term abortion procedures points up the willingness of conservatives in Congress to use any means necessary, including denigrating American women and their decision-making capabilities, simply so they may pay off a political debt to the radical right. The debate over this issue also demonstrates the willingness of the radical right to sacrifice anything and everyone, including the truth and the health of women, in their efforts to achieve their long-term goal of banning abortion.

This procedure, erroneously called “partial-birth,” is used rarely and only in instances where the mother’s health is in great jeopardy and the fetus has little or no chance of surviving. The fact is that pregnancies that have been terminated using this procedure were wanted, planned pregnancies.


That the right would exploit the sad circumstances of those who have had to suffer such a loss for their political gain is abhorrent.


Manhattan Beach

* Re “Brain Disorder Treatment Hailed,” March 28: Let me see if I understand this: In order to extend, save, or improve the life of one human being, doctors are using cells and tissues from another human being who was aborted and never had a life. The patient rejoices, “It saved my life.” What about the life of the unborn baby?

Abortion cannot be justified and made noble because we have found a way to harvest spare parts.



Santa Ana
