
Huffington on Brown’s Death

Arianna Huffington’s column “Living with Sinners, Burying Saints” (Commentary, April 10) was beyond unseemly.

Her veiled attempt to score political points against Commerce Secretary Ron Brown on the very morning of his funeral gets my vote as the tackiest moment in public discourse since Newt Gingrich tried to make political hay out of the murders of Susan Smith’s children. Thanks for letting Huffington show her true colors.


Los Angeles

* Yes, Arianna Huffington, it might “ ... transform our public discourse and the coverage of public figures while they are alive if, even as we raise legitimate questions about their conduct, we also acknowledge their qualities and contributions.” Unfortunately, people with power or money often perform lots of public good to facilitate their real agenda, like buying public offices, or buying their way onto the national debate scene, as if there are no articulate voices among the common man.




* “Blacks’ Admiration for Brown Heightens Their Sense of Loss” (April 5) may have captured the sense of loss to the African American community in regard to the tragic death of Brown, but you did blacks a great disservice when you stated black involvement in mainstream politics is “difficult for even the most talented black Americans.”

This statement neglects the involvement of great numbers of able black politicians who have served in elective office at the municipal, state and national levels over the past 30 years.


Beverly Hills
