
MedTrans Suit Is Against All of Us

* Regarding “MedTrans Sues City Over Planned Ambulance Service,” June 19:

It was a boldly brilliant move when the Ventura City Fire Department, along with unanimous approval from the City Council and broad-based community support, proposed to save taxpayer money while saving citizens’ lives.

This is competition, folks. Ventura’s firefighters can provide us with more paramedics, faster response times and lower rates than can the county-contracted ambulance services, whose rates were just increased by nearly one-third.

So MedTrans reacts to competition not with better service or lower rates, but with a lawsuit. This lawsuit is against every Ventura resident, for it is we who are the city. And it shows us that MedTrans does not feel government at our local level can work harder, smarter and cheaper.


In a free market, competition is healthy, not lawsuit engendering. My hopes are firmly aligned with the Ventura City Fire Department, local control and accountability.

Let the sirens begin!


