
Same-Sex Marriages

Re “Wilson, Lungren Back Bill Against Gay Marriages,” July 9:

As a recently married man I find it revolting to hear Gov. Pete Wilson and Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren standing up and telling us that it’s OK to discriminate against someone simply because of the gender of the person he or she chooses to love. I didn’t choose to get married in order to reproduce. I did it because of the love I have for my partner. When I look around and see so much fear, bigotry and hatred I am truly amazed that our society can function at all.

It’s time to stop blaming gays and lesbians for society’s ills and start asking why so many Americans think that it’s OK to be bigoted and homophobic. Why should we blame gays and lesbians for society’s moral decay, when our political and moral leaders are the ones serving up racism, sexism and homophobia to further their own personal and political ambitions. Talk about family values!


Los Angeles

* Re Wilson’s declaration of “properly exalting marriage”:

Leaders (in government) need to reconcile the necessary separation of church and state. Our many places of worship can adequately address the need of extending spiritual recognition toward those married couples (gay or straight) who deserve it.




* Scott Harris’ column (July 11) not only distorts the truth surrounding homosexual marriages, but it falsely implies that most people’s rejection of same-sex marriages is due to man’s inability to reason.

Harris’ use of “laws of nature” is incorrect. The phrase “laws of nature” actually refers to the apostle Paul’s writing in Romans 2:14-15 where Paul discusses God’s laws that are inscribed in man’s heart since creation.

Harris writes about an openly gay adoptive parent who wishes to be married to another male, saying that society “can’t legislate morality” and that “one man’s sin is another’s family values.” The word “morality,” according to Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary, is defined as being “based on divine or biblical law.” Both the Old and New Testaments clearly define homosexuality as an “abomination to God.” Family values are based on morality. If morality is based on biblical law, then family values are too based on biblical law. Therefore sin, if it contradicts the law of God, is a constant wrong no matter who the “man” is.




* Re “House Backs Curbs on Gay Marriages,” July 13: If members of Congress are so interested in preserving the sanctity and the institution of marriage, why don’t they outlaw divorce or adultery or annulments?

Why insist that my partner and I of 18 years continue to subsidize their sanctified marriages while accepting second-class status for ourselves?


West Hollywood
