
Rates Rising at Equestrian Center

People who board horses at Huntington Central Park Equestrian Center will be paying more under a rate increase approved this week by the City Council.

Despite some objections, the council allowed Mary Harris, who leases the facility from the city, to raise stall rents by as much as $20 a month.

The city staff had recommended the increases, saying they were justified to cover rising costs.


Mayor Dave Sullivan and Councilman Victor Leipzig voted against the increases. “The justification wasn’t made for the rates asked for,” Sullivan said.

Some horse owners also protested. Dave Ryskamp said he has boarded his horse at the facility for eight years and had no hint that the fee increases were coming until the issue went to the council.

“This rent increase was snuck through,” said Ryskamp, a Westminster resident. “It just seems like we’re not getting our money’s worth.”


Harris, who owns and manages the equestrian center and has made about $300,000 in improvements to it in recent years, said the increase was warranted to cover her costs.

“We need it in order to make our facility what people want it to be: a facility that everybody can enjoy and that is very well maintained,” she said.

The new rates, which take effect Aug. 1, are $360 a month for a barn stall with a tack box, and $255 for a pipe corral with a tack box. Also, the monthly fees for the tack store will increase to $450 and for foaling pens to $300.
