
Auto Dealer’s Interest in Lot Draws Protest

Officials have barely begun talks with an auto dealership that wants to buy the city maintenance yard, but neighbors are already expressing opposition to the idea.

The yard sits on 8.5 acres of Ward Street property that fronts the San Diego Freeway and is zoned for commercial use, Planning Services Manager Andrew Perea said.

Eager to sell the land to a business that will generate tax revenue, the city has bought another piece of property farther from the freeway to house the maintenance yard.


An auto dealership, which officials would not identify, contacted the city about buying the Ward Street property, and city planners began doing the research required for an environmental impact report.

Residents learned of the proposal at a recent public focus meeting and brought their concerns to the City Council this week.

“We wanted to voice our strong dissent to putting a car dealership there,” said Jaye Schierer, who submitted a petition signed by 320 people protesting the plan.


“We understand you are the people who can make this go away, and we want it to go away,” Schierer said.

Other residents of the nearby community said they fear a drop in property values because of the noise and traffic that an auto dealership might bring.

Council members said that any agreement to sell the city yard is far from being completed and that a lengthy planning process would be required first.


“We are at step one,” Perea said. Completing the environmental plan will take four or five weeks, he said. After that, the proposal would be open to public review for 45 days and then would go to the Planning Commission for hearings.

Council members assured residents that they will consider all sides of the issue.

“We were elected to represent the views of all residents of Fountain Valley,” Mayor George B. Scott said.
