
Don’t Tar All Kids With the Same Brush

I was very alarmed to see the letter in Life & Style on Dec. 5 headlined, “Kids Today Don’t Know How to Behave” saying that all kids this person sees behave badly. You can’t have a stereotype about kids just because you see some kids behaving badly.

I am 13 years old. I rarely see kids behaving badly, especially without their parents telling them to stop. As for kids being nightmares in public, I have many friends who are very rowdy, but most of them are really well-behaved and quite nice. Many parents love their children dearly and care how they act and have a certain understanding with their children on how they should or shouldn’t act.

Also, kids should be able to have a lot of fun at their age. They should be allowed to have fun in a supermarket or restaurant as long as they are careful.



