
Mail Bombs Sent to FBI, Chula Vista Firm

The FBI is investigating two mail bombs bearing the same taunting French phrase that were sent to local addresses this week, officials said Friday.

One of the bombs was mailed to the FBI headquarters in San Diego and the other to a trash hauling firm in Chula Vista. In each case, bomb demolition specialists destroyed the package without injury.

The phrase “Je suis prest” or “je suis preste” was found on each package. FBI translators interpreted “Je suis preste” as “I am ready” or “I am quick.”


Bomb specialists determined that the 10-inch by 6-inch packages contained pipe bombs. “If anyone had opened the packages, they could have been severely injured or even killed,” said Bob Walsh of the San Diego FBI office.

Walsh said investigators see no links between these two bombs and the bombs that have terrorized Vallejo in Northern California.

The bomb sent to FBI headquarters was discovered Thursday during a routine screening of incoming mail. Employees at Laidlaw Waste Removal in Chula Vista became suspicious Friday of a package that had just been delivered.


Walsh said no threats had been received.
