
Event Makes Math and Science Fun

Flying a kite, launching a hot-air balloon, creating a Martian critter able to withstand the planet’s harsh climate and constructing a mini-earthquake-proof house from dry spaghetti and marshmallows.

Sounds like fun. And it all involves math and science skills.

Making math and science fun is exactly the point of the Simi Valley school system’s Math-Science Olympiad, which will take place Thursday.

The goal of the olympiad is to arouse all students’ enthusiasm for the two subjects before natural curiosity wanes, said Becky Wetzel, director of programs and assessment for the Simi Valley Unified School District.


Events stress teamwork, planning and creative problem solving rather than repetitive skills.

Take, for example, the “Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On” event, in which fifth- and sixth-graders will use their reasoning skills to construct a three-story edible house. Once built, the house will be subjected to a simulated high-intensity earthquake.

The olympiad--which is free and open to the public--will run between 1:15 and 5 p.m. in the Royal High School multipurpose room, 1402 Royal Ave. For more information, call the school district office at 520-6560.
