
Three School Boundary Plans to Be Presented

A proposal that would change attendance boundaries, moving about 600 students to different schools, will be presented today to trustees of Huntington Beach City School District.

The boundary realignment committee has drawn up three scenarios. Panel members said they could not agree on what schools the children in some neighborhoods should attend and will let the trustees decide.

The board is not scheduled to take action on the proposal today.

Most of the affected students would move to Peterson School, which the district decided to reopen this fall to reduce class sizes. A statewide program offers a bonus to schools that limit enrollment in primary-grade classes to 20 pupils.


Some parents have already objected to the proposal, which they say would require many more youngsters to ride the bus to school.

“We are for neighborhood schools, but we’re not getting that,” parent Stacy Ardis said. “I think our community schools just went out the window.”

The board of trustees meets at 7 p.m. in the District Education Center, 20451 Craimer Lane. Information: (714) 964-8888.
