
Hollywood Agents

ankle v. leave an agency, usually to join a competitor.


Billy Cat n. William Morris Agency (from founder William Morris and Morris the cat).


Dora Doorknocker n. sub-boutique agency, frequently located in the San Fernando Valley, with little or no clout and few, if any, working clients.


“ER stat!” interjection “Expense report immediately!” Barked at harried assistant by agent anxious for reimbursement after charging lunch on personal credit card.


gobi n. client who ankles an agency (from “go bye”). syn. slip.


God-screwed v. being left out of client’s award acceptance speech (from actors’ propensity for thanking God). “I’ve handled her since her ink session and then I get God-screwed at the Oscars.”



handle v. cater to celebrity client’s every whim.


hip-pocket v. represent a client not officially signed with the agency. “He’s with a Dora Doorknocker in Sherman Oaks but hip-pocketed by a guy at Billy Cat.”


ink session n. formal signing of a new client to the agency.


mister boys n. agent trainees working way up from the mail room (i.e. “mail



pimp fee n. agent’s commission, typically 10%.


talent n. actor client. rel. lit n. writer client; helmer n. director client.
