
Internet Site to List Campaign Donations

Thousand Oaks residents will soon be able to keep an eye on the campaign contributions their city leaders receive just by clicking onto the city’s Internet site.

The Thousand Oaks City Council voted 4 to 0 Tuesday to approve a plan by Councilman Andy Fox to place the campaign finance reports of all council members on the Internet, dating back to the time they were last elected. Councilwoman Linda Parks was absent.

“I see nothing but positives with this,” Fox said.

The issue was not laid to rest without some bickering, however. When Councilwoman Elois Zeanah said Fox’s idea was a good one because it would allow residents to conclude for themselves who was influencing elections and council votes, Mayor Judy Lazar took exception, calling it an insult to suggest anyone had been influenced by contributions.


“It is the insult that campaign contributions have been buying votes on this council, and that [innuendo] has been done by Mrs. Zeanah for a long time.”

Lazar then suggested placing contributions by council members to other candidates on the Internet--a clear reference to Zeanah, whose husband has given money to several candidates, including Parks.

But no motion was made to add that information. In the case of the Zeanah family’s donation to Parks, it would already appear on Parks’ regular campaign finance reports. The information will be added to the Thousand Oaks home page as soon as possible.


Ventura Councilman Steve Bennett has proposed that Ventura post its campaign finance information on the World Wide Web. The Ventura City Council agreed last week to explore the possibility of doing so.

Thousand Oaks’ official home page address is
