
Kudos to Rip Rense’s Stunning Sensibility

Please award the Golden Ear Trophy to Rip Rense for his ability to siphon the signal from the noise in our increasingly babble-saturated society (“Hel-LO-oh, Let’s Find Closure on Faux Phrases,” April 10).

Corrupted by television and the rest of pop or would-be pop culture, we will one day be as easy to date as the “cool” (and that’s back again) ‘50s, the “laid-back” ’60s or the Victorian Age.

Now that Rense has put the finger, rightly, on such abominations as “rocket scientist,” “could care less” (which is getting to be a classic) and “do the math,” perhaps he could place a word or two in the ears of The Times’ overuse of that most trite adjective, found a dozen times in any edition of your newspaper, and beloved by everyone from the Business section through the Calendar to Sports and the main news sections.


I refer, of course, to “stunning.”

