
Controversy Over Belmont Project

Re “L.A. School Board Approves Belmont Project,” April 22: Once again a majority on the LAUSD Board of Education has shown its complete contempt for the voters. President Jeff Horton insists the building plans will proceed regardless of public opposition for Proposition BB funds to be used for the project. Board member Barbara Boudreaux has warned those who question the board’s actions to “back off and back out.”

Unfortunately voter memory is short and the next election is too far in the future. Members David Tokofsky and George Kiriyama should be applauded for their opposition to such arrogant acts by elected officials.



* Congratulations to Horton--”further delays would be unconscionable”--in leading the drive to approve the Belmont Learning Center. And the public is entitled to learn how the board members voted. Yes: Horton, Barbara Boudreaux, Victoria Castro and Mark Slavkin. No: Kiriyama, Julie Korenstein and Tokofsky.


It is true that confusing, mixed messages were given as to whether Proposition BB would include the Belmont project. Many voters claim that they wouldn’t have voted for BB if they hadn’t understood that Belmont would be included.

At a time when 3,000 children are bused out of the Belmont area daily, it is time to build the long-overdue facility. It is ironic that while many voters in our more exclusive areas condemn the busing of children from the poorer areas, they are reluctant to provide them with more and better schools.

The looks of gratification on the faces of the supporters in the photograph in last Tuesday’s Times were quite touching.



