
MTA Subcontractor Fined for Illegal Campaign Donations

The state Fair Political Practices Commission on Thursday fined a Metropolitan Transportation Authority subcontractor $20,000 for making laundered campaign contributions to a former Los Angeles mayoral candidate and to an alternate MTA board member.

Construction Control Services Corp. of Durham, N.C., and its principal, Ronald Rohadfox, were found to have made 10 laundered contributions from December 1992 to June 1994.

Investigators found that Rohadfox was the source of $7,000 in contributions made by another individual to J. Stanley Sanders’ campaign for mayor. He was later appointed to the MTA board. Sanders said Thursday that he had no knowledge of the actual source of the funds.


In addition, employees and others affiliated with the company were found to have made $4,000 in laundered contributions to Councilman Nate Holden, an MTA board alternate. Holden said he has returned the contributions.
