
Injunctions Against Gangs

Your recent article (“Valley’s Top Cop Assails Anti-Gang Injunctions,” Nov. 23) and editorial (“Gang Crackdowns: Hit or Miss,” Nov. 23) on the City Council’s meeting with LAPD officials implied that we do not agree on the use of gang injunctions and other crime-fighting tools.

On the contrary, both of us firmly believe that gang injunctions can be an effective tool in fighting gangs in specific situations. However, neither of us feel it is the only tool available, nor do we believe that gang injunctions are a solve-all answer to the gang problems in Los Angeles.

The proposal the City Council is considering to expand the city attorney’s gang prosecution unit would be for future requests for injunctions, not for North Hills, as the article states. City Atty. James Hahn has already dedicated staff to work on this injunction request, but if further injunctions are needed there are no funds for his office to pursue them.


We both believe that gang injunctions should not be over-utilized, but when they are in place, they work. The bottom line is, we are committed to working together in getting rid of gangs. The more tools we have to choose from, the better we will be able to serve residents and keep neighborhoods safe.


Council Member, District 7


LAPD Deputy Chief,

Commanding Officer Operations

Valley Bureau
