
Students’ Mock Court Focuses on DUI Cases

More than 80 students from Los Angeles High School will take part in a mock court session today, acting as prosecutors in driving-under-the-influence cases as part of a program to educate youth about the law relating to drunk driving.

Public Counsel, a pro bono law firm, has teamed up with Los Angeles-based Legacy Software to launch a program using a CD-ROM simulation to teach students about DUI cases. The program will allow the students to assume the role of a district attorney who must prosecute a fellow student charged with driving under the influence.

On Monday, the students assembled witness testimony and physical evidence. Today the cases go to trial. Students will participate in class discussions and will be advised by an attorney from Public Counsel.


“The defense lawyers they are facing are characters from the computer program,” said Ariella Lehrer, president of Legacy Software. “They’re some pretty nasty guys.”
