
Park Plays to Feature ‘3 Pigs,’ Shakespeare

Barranca Vista Park will host two performances this weekend, “The Three Little Pigs” on Saturday and Shakespeare’s “Merry Wives of Windsor” on Sunday.

The theater group Gypsies in a Truck will present the children’s story at 4 p.m. It is the second in a series of hourlong summer performances for kids.

In an attempt to head off the restlessness expected from a young audience, performers will encourage the children to move around during the show and even to approach the stage.


The company’s next shows will be “Little Red and the Hoods” on Aug. 9 and “The Emperor’s New Clothes” on Sept. 13. Both will be held at the park.

Sunday’s Shakespeare performance will feature the acting troupe Gothic Productions.

The program is part of the “Classics in the Park” series.

Show time is 2 p.m. Picnicking and lawn chairs are encouraged.

The park is located at 7050 E. Ralston St. in Ventura. Admission is free to all performances.
