
MTA Officer Who Shot Unarmed Woman Returns to Patrol Today

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority police officer who shot and wounded an unarmed woman in Willowbrook will return to patrol duties today with the approval of a department psychiatrist, an MTA captain said Friday.

Lee Jensen, 27, a transit police officer for 2 1/2 years, was given approval to return to duty after a Friday morning interview with the psychiatrist, said MTA Capt. Dennis Conte.

Jensen had been placed on administrative leave after wounding Sylvia Bethea, 37, following a brief vehicle chase Monday evening.


Officers said Bethea ran a stop sign and refused to pull over as they pursued her in an unmarked van. Bethea drove to her home, where investigators said Jensen mistakenly thought she was reaching for a weapon when she was actually reaching for her keys.

Bethea’s relatives, however, said the woman was shot as she sat in her van with her hands up, pleading for her life.

Conte said Jensen “has never been involved in any shooting incidents or any incidents involving misconduct,” adding that the officer will use a loaned handgun when he returns to duty because his weapon is being tested.
