
Assisted Suicide Is Topic of CSUN Forum

Physician-assisted suicide will be discussed at the first fall meeting of Cal State Northridge’s Ethics and Values Colloquium on Wednesday.

Sponsored by CSUN’s Center for Ethics and Values and the College of Humanities, the colloquium will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Santa Clarita Room of the University Student Union on the east side of campus at 18111 Nordhoff St.

“The issue of physician-assisted suicide is a timely issue and definitely a concern,” said Elizabeth Say, chairwoman of CSUN’s women’s studies department and a coordinator of the event. “We’ve invited two different speakers with different views to discuss this issue.”


Speaking in favor of physician-assisted suicide will be Santa Monica lawyer Michael White while Dr. Melvin Kirscher, a Van Nuys-based family practice physician, will represent the opposition. Another physician, Dr. Leo Rain, will moderate.

Supporters of physician-assisted suicide received a boost Tuesday when 60% of Oregon voters again endorsed a statute that permits doctors to prescribe a fatal dose of barbiturates to terminally ill patients.

The statute predictably had its share of opposition. The Catholic Church and the National Right to Life Committee in Oregon led a massive campaign and raised more than $3.5 million to repeal the statute allowing physician-assisted suicide.


In addition, last spring the 2nd and 9th District Courts of Appeals struck down state laws in New York and Washington that forbid physician-assisted suicide.

“We created this forum not only for faculty and students but to draw members of the community,” Say said. “Since physician-assisted suicide is an issue which people are either for it or against it, we’re expecting a much broader turnout.”

For more information, call (818) 677-4785 or (818) 766-4854.
