
Scouts Bear Bags for Food, Clothing Drive

Thousands of Boy Scouts will descend on county neighborhoods today delivering food and clothing collection bags as part of the 1997 Scouting for Food Plus food and clothing drive.

The Scouts will ask residents to fill the bags with nonperishable food and donated clothing items, which they will pick up next Saturday.

Locally, food items will be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, the county’s largest nonprofit food bank, which serves 180,000 people each month.


Clothing will be delivered to Goodwill Industries of Orange County, an organization that serves people with disabilities and other vocational disadvantages.

Participating Scouts will earn a badge for their efforts.

Last year, more than 215,000 pounds of food and about 500,000 pounds of clothing were donated, earning the Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts of America a Disney Community Services Award.
