
Crime-Prevention Videos Available Soon

A new video detailing methods for thwarting would-be criminals through innovative design techniques will be available next week at Los Angeles libraries, Councilwoman Laura Chick said Friday.

The video, “Design Out Crime,” emphasizes simple, preventive steps that can be taken by homeowners and business people, as well as architects and developers, to reduce possible crime problems.

“As the city of Los Angeles addresses crime, we must look beyond traditional methods of policing and examine all possible ways to enhance public safety,” said Chick, who chairs the council’s Public Safety Committee. “We need to look for creative, cost-effective ways to stop crime on the front end.”


On Friday, Chick was joined by community activists and members of the Los Angeles Police Department at a press conference to announce distribution of the video, which comes in a 15-minute version aimed at residents and small business owners and a 30-minute version designed for architects, developers, real estate professionals and urban planners.

Design tips offered in the videos include ways of enhancing lighting and landscaping in parking areas to improve visibility, planting vines along blank walls to discourage graffiti and designing housing units so neighbors can “self-patrol” their environments.

The videos were made by the city’s Information Technology Agency with the assistance of the LAPD. A 1995 City Council appropriation of $25,000 for the Design Out Crime Initiative financed the videos as well as an informational booklet available through the city’s Planning Department, Chick aides said.


“We’re not talking about building tall fences or fortress-like gated communities,” said Ken Bernstein, Chick’s planning deputy. “These are small steps people can take to incorporate common sense design techniques that make buildings less inviting for criminals.”

For more information, call the Planning Department at (213) 580-5249.
