
Cell Phone Use in Emergencies

* Re “Cell Phones, ‘Crime Fighters of the ‘90s,’ Are Striking Out,” Nov. 16: Marcia Spielholz should have been dialing 357 (as in magnum) instead of 911. This woman should be the poster child for the anti-gun control movement. It’s sad that our current government seeks to shove down our throats gun control laws, even though the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution forbids it! If ever there was a case for every person being armed, this is it.


Los Angeles

* Many people do not realize that if their cellular phone signal is weak when traveling outside their coverage area they can switch to another carrier by punching a few buttons. Most phones are set on “home,” which will only work in their local calling areas under optimal conditions. Cellular phones in Los Angeles can be manually switched from Air Touch’s “B” system to L.A. Cellular’s “A” system. Choosing an A or B setting will “roam” to use the strongest signal available of any phone company while traveling. Practicing changing these settings to obtain a strong signal in an emergency is highly recommended.


