
Star-Filled Tree to Benefit Hospice

Volunteers will take part in an annual fund-raising ritual next Wednesday morning as they begin hanging hundreds of white stars on a tree in the Buenaventura Mall, each honoring a loved one.

The stars are part of the Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurses Assn.’s ninth annual campaign to raise money and increase awareness of health-care options available for the terminally ill.

The group, a nonprofit home health and hospice agency serving Ventura County residents since 1947, will hold its annual “Light Up a Life” celebration--featuring the Newbury Park High School Choir--at the mall Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.


Volunteers will have made about 100,000 home health and hospice visits in Ventura County by the end of this year.

The association asks--but does not require--anyone who wishes to hang a star in memory of a loved one to make a $15 donation. Stars can be purchased through the end of January.

As the largest fund-raiser of the year for the association’s hospice, the event will bring in $10,000 to $15,000, organizers estimate.


“At holiday time, we all struggle with what kind of things to give each other,” hospice director Pat McDonough said. “You can give a gift in their names that is sort of a shining example to the community that says ‘Here, see what you can do with your money--not just buy a blouse, but provide some care for someone.’ ”

Information is available from the association at 642-0239.
