
Airport Garden Spot

* Re “Plan Would Uproot Area Garden Spot,” Oct. 2.

A better title would have been “Pave Paradise, Put Up a Parking Lot” . . . Bert Boeckmann needs additional space to park cars, but the only land he can find is a plot where the local gardening club enjoys growing vegetables. What an outrage!

Mr. Boeckmann, search elsewhere for a location to park cars. Don’t declare war on a senior gardening club; this battle isn’t worth the ill will you will generate. Thank you, Citizens Advisory Council of Van Nuys Airport, for voicing your objection. Keep on fighting--we all support you. And [Jack] Driscoll, don’t blame a Department of Airports employee for making a “mistake.” As executive director, you’re responsible for your employees’ acts. This mistake was in reality a decision that blew up in the DOA’s face.


President, Lake Balboa

Neighborhood Assn., Van Nuys

* You have no idea how pleased I was to read your editorial, “Let Greenery Win One,” Oct. 3.


Since I retired from teaching in 1989, I have become an avid gardener and know how long it takes to turn dirt into productive soil. I’ve also had time to join several gardening clubs and have never met a gardener I didn’t like.

I wish I could say the same thing about car salesmen.

When I take Metrolink to Union Station, I pass many paved and empty lots. I’m sure Galpin Ford could find another spot that is already paved.

Please continue to write on what will be best for the future of our Valley.


Granada Hills
