
Constituents Want Leaders Who Care

* I read with interest your Aug. 17 article about Ralph Reed entering Orange County congressional politics to help Republican challenger Bob Zemel campaign against Rep. Loretta Sanchez in next November’s election.

I also read an Aug. 24 letter to the editor savoring a fight between Sanchez and Zemel for the partisan “title” to this territory. As a constituent in the 46th District and as someone active in my community, I naturally resent my neighborhood being defined by its location on the political football field.

It troubles me more that this race may attract the kind of contenders whose allegiance to this district is purely political. We don’t need any fat cat lawyers or business bigwigs to come in and “save” us by going to Washington and forgetting where we live.


We need political representatives who care about the people and interests of our community and who have the commitment to serve us. While Sanchez is the incumbent and Zemel is a well-known leader in Anaheim, I shudder to think of my district becoming the proving ground for other partisan wannabes with no governing experience.


