
PacBell Should Give Before It Gets

“PacBell Files With State Regulators to Provide Long-Distance Service” [April 1] fails to acknowledge that Pacific Bell has not met obligations under the Telecommunication Act and opened its market to competition.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 established a 14-point checklist that Bell operating companies must meet before they are allowed to enter the long-distance market. Pacific Bell still does not meet the basic federal requirements.

Consumers already have numerous choices in long-distance service, which has driven down prices 70% over the last 10 years. What consumers want are choices in local phone service. Pacific Bell still controls nearly 99% of local residential telephone customers in its service area--a monopoly under any definition.


Pacific Bell must open its market before it is rewarded and allowed into the already competitive long-distance business. Otherwise, consumers can forget about a choice in local telephone service any time soon.



Americans for Competitive


Walnut Creek, Calif.
