
Bilingual Education

“Unusual Crusade: Que Pasa Aqui?” (April 5), on Alice Callaghan, brought several thoughts to mind: I appreciate the work she is doing on skid row. I’m sorry her experience with bilingual education has been so negative.

Bilingual programs vary in the amount each language is used. Where I work, English is used between 80% and 100% of the day. Parents can place their non-English-speaking children in an English-only program at any time.

Limited-English-proficient students in English-only or bilingual programs generate funds for their districts. Even those who are now in English-only programs. Not all teachers who hold a bilingual credential receive a yearly stipend. Bilingual teachers work without bilingual education; they have two credentials!


Parents in Santa Barbara boycotted schools because the district wanted to dismantle bilingual education.


Garden Grove
