
Ortega Highway Is on the Road to Widening

The historic Ortega Highway, which leads to the Mission San Juan Capistrano, is set to undergo a $1.1-million widening between Interstate 5 and Rancho Viejo Road.

Plans to widen the highway have been discussed for five years; Caltrans will begin construction next year.

The project, expected to be formally approved at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, will extend the westbound right-turn lane from Rancho Viejo Road to the Interstate 5 northbound onramp.


Additionally, a 400-foot eastbound right-turn lane will be built at Ortega Highway and Rancho Viejo Road.

The city will contribute $569,800 toward the project, drawing from construction fees and Measure M and other highway funds. The state Department of Transportation will provide $589,000.
