
Buchanan on McNally Play

Re “Culture Elite Has Its Enemy,” Column Right, Aug. 9:

Patrick Buchanan, blinded by homophobia, fails to see that Terrence McNally’s play does not “ridicule sacred religious beliefs.” Jesus, who preached often in metaphor, would easily recognize that McNally’s play was not a personal attack but rather a challenge for us to reflect upon how far the church’s condemnatory doctrine and those who wave it as a flag for political gain have strayed from Jesus’ message of universal love and forgiveness.

Buchanan needs to review his Bible and remind himself to “love thy neighbor as thyself” and “judge not, that you be not judged.”

The Jesus about whom I have read was a healer. It’s a pity he is not here today, to touch Buchanan’s eyes and heal his blindness.



Los Angeles


Buchanan’s latest braying is more pathetic maundering. It is also myopic. Christianity is not the enemy of the “culture elite” (as if Buchanan’s wealth didn’t make him a part of the elite); the homophobic thinking of the ilk of Buchanan is the enemy.

Homophobic Buchanan and company do not own Jesus, nor can they claim him as one of their own. There is no indication, anywhere, of Jesus’s sexuality. It is just as reasonable, historically, to conceive of Jesus as a gay man as it is to conceive of him as non-gay.

What really rankles Buchanan and company is the possibility that their cultic rantings which have gained legitimacy merely through might, not necessarily truthful right, are without foundation, thereby making mockery of what Buchanan and company have stood for: subjugation of the less powerful.



Cathedral City


Poor Buchanan. He’s in a constant state of frazzled indignation that Catholicism isn’t the law of the land. Flash! Not everyone believes [that] Jesus [was] the son of God. Some of us believe he was a Jewish rabbi (teacher) whose simple message was that we should be kind to one another.


Woodland Hills
