
Restaurants Get Nod as Part of Garden Grove Hotel Plan


Plans for four family restaurants to complement three proposed hotels on Harbor Boulevard in Garden Grove moved forward this week when plans were presented to the City Council.

Construction on the whole development could begin as early as October and be complete by 2000.

City officials now will begin lease negotiations with developers for the restaurants on the southwest corner of Harbor Boulevard and Chapman Avenue. Plans for the hotels were approved in April.


At a cost of about $100 million, the total project could generate nearly 950 jobs and more than $4 million a year in bed-tax revenue, up from the city’s current $1.5 million.

The 18-acre site, which borders Anaheim, has become a popular piece of real estate since the Walt Disney Co. announced plans to expand the Disneyland resort, officials said.

“We are the south gate to Disneyland and the [Anaheim] Convention Center,” said George Tindall, Garden Grove’s city manager. “We have to find sources of revenue to provide services people need, like fire and police. It’s all aimed at revitalizing Garden Grove.”


The developers have received a $17-million loan from the city to acquire and clear the land.

“For a $17-million investment,” Tindall said, “we are now going to be the beneficiary of $100 million in private development investment.”
