
The music of Vietnamese composer Khoa Van...

The music of Vietnamese composer Khoa Van Le^ will be played by the Pacific Symphony, led by assistant conductor Elizabeth Stoyanovich, in a free concert Saturday at 3:15 p.m. at the Don Wash Auditorium in Garden Grove. Le^’s “I Remember,” “Dream of My Homeland” and “Full Moon” from Orchestral Suite 1975 will be on the program. Bich Lie^n Nguye^n will be the soprano soloist. Quyen Cad will be the dan tranh soloist. The concert will also include Mozart’s Symphony No. 29 and the Overture to Rossini’s “La Scala di Seta.” Don Wash Auditorium is at 11271 Stanford Ave. Information: (714) 755-5788.

Compiled by Ken Williams
