
All-Points Bulletin Issued for Dodgers

After the Dodgers moved to California, some loyal fans formed an organization dedicated to bringing back the Brooklyn Dodgers. Perhaps we should form a group to bring back the Los Angeles Dodgers.



As a Giants’ fan in Los Angeles, I have to commend the Fox Group for providing such exciting entertainment. Before this season, I’d never seen a train wreck up close.

RICK ALBER, Santa Monica


The O’Malleys were no angels. When they were done with them, they got rid of Hodges, Zimmer, Snider, Wills, Cey, Lopes, Sutton, Garvey and Tommy John. They didn’t want to pay the last three. They kept Mike Marshall and got rid of Steve Sax. How smart was that? Claire was right. Perhaps he should have been fired after the ’92 season. That would have taken Tommy Lasorda out of the dugout at the right time. Fox hasn’t destroyed a sacred O’Malley trust. They have simply cleaned house.


NED SHAPIRO, Los Angeles


Press Release: “Rupert Murdoch, in an address to lifelong Dodger fans, has decided to make one last alteration to an established cornerstone of the American cultural identity. From now on, the Los Angeles Dodgers will be known as the Los Angeles Dollars. The Dodger Blue will be handed in for Dollar Green. Finally, all trades and negotiations henceforth will be conducted through the Florida Marlin organization.”

As for all of you who don’t like this “changing of the guard,” too bad. You should have seen this coming for months.



A Dodger broadcast, sometime next week:

“Hello and a very pleasant good evening to you wherever you may be. This is Vin Scully and I’ve just been traded to New York for Howard Stern and a sidekick to be named later.”


They wouldn’t go that far, would they?



If “the Dodger Way” is no longer viable and Fox offers promise for the future, why do I feel so sad?



If Tom Lasorda thinks trading for Jeff Shaw is an elixir for the Dodgers’ woes, he’s insane--especially if it means giving up a future star like Paul Konerko.

How important is a closer? Shaw has 20 saves--and the Reds are still in last place. Yes, you need someone to come in and shut the door, but the Dodgers already have someone--Antonio Osuna.


I just hope Lasorda isn’t so determined to keep the GM job and trying to impress his new “let’s have results yesterday” bosses that he mortgages the Dodgers’ future on a stop-gap attempt to help the present. I’d rather have a competitive team for the next five years than continue this desperate attempt at salvaging a season that, most likely, they have no chance of winning.



I hope it is not Gary Sheffield’s intent to be a role model for the youth in the Los Angeles area. He is quoted as saying after his suspension for his fight with Jason Kendall: “I feel this is totally unfair. . . . He started saying stuff to me. . . . He was testing my manhood. That’s when I reacted.”

I teach second grade and if I didn’t know who was making these comments, I would guess they came from a first or second grader. His actions and comments contradict everything we teach at school about solving problems.

My school participated in the Salute to Teachers Night in April. I brought two students from my class that night. I am glad this fight did not happen when we were there and I hope my students don’t read Sheffield’s comments. The Dodgers should be embarrassed by his behavior.



Yes, Gary, he was testing your manhood and you failed miserably.

KIP GILMAN, Los Angeles
