

* All Business: The second annual Summer Internet World ’98 is blowing into the Windy City this week, and the focus is “Everything to Build Your Business.”

In addition to the standard fare of demonstrations, workshops and panels, some noteworthy speakers are scheduled for the Chicago event today through Friday. Sprint Chairman and Chief Executive William T. Esrey will talk about networks of the next century, Lycos President and CEO Robert J. Davis will relate the experiences of his growing Internet firm, and Motion Picture Assn. of America chief Jack Valenti will also speak.

For more information, go to

* FYI, CIOs: Forbes and Gartner Group are holding the first CIO Congress to examine the growing role of the chief information officer in management, today through Wednesday at the Resort at Squaw Creek in Lake Tahoe.



* Government Guide: Trying to find the right city government office to handle--or just hear out--your problems can be a pain. Which agency? Where do you call? And just what is a comptroller? Here’s a guide to where our city and county governments reside online--enough to get you pointed in the right direction.

* Info Heaven: The city of Los Angeles’ official site ( and is practically a one-stop shop for all matters relating to the City of Angels. First, it’s the virtual home of Mayor Richard Riordan and the City Council, as well as most of the city’s departments, commissions and committees. Looking to contact the L.A. Business Team, Community Redevelopment Agency, Board of Zoning Appeals, Planning Commission, Information Technology Agency, Department of Recreation and Parks, L.A. Animal Services, city attorney, city clerk, city comptroller or the Cultural Affairs Department? Then start here and there’ll be a link for you. There’s also news, information on City Council districts, a list of events and way more.

* Getting to Works: It’s worth noting that within our city’s official site is the Department of Public Works. Why note that, you ask? Because Public Works is home to the Bureau of Street Lighting (, where you can report street lights that are out; the Bureau of Street Services (, where you can find out about road closures and fill out a complaint form; and the Bureau of Sanitation (, where you’ll find recycling info and the collection schedule for household hazardous waste.


* At Your Service: If your problems or concerns extend just beyond the city, try the official Web site of Los Angeles County ( There’s general county information, links to the Board of Supervisors and other county governments, as well as directories of county services. It also has the lowdown on birth, death and marriage certificates.

* Home Page: The Los Angeles Housing Authority’s mission is to “provide quality residential alternatives for the citizens of our city since 1938.” Not sure what that means? Check out the Web site, at There you’ll find news, job opportunities and info on how to get housing.

* Look and Learn: “Your gateway to the programs and services of the Los Angeles County Office of Education” is LACOE Online ( Some of the programs and services they’re referring to are in the categories of education, business, technology and human resources. The Juvenile Court and Community Schools division is also part of LACOE. For educators, there are reference services and resources in the Library Services section; for parents, there’s Parent University; and everyone is invited to help out in the Volunteer Reader Campaign, an effort LACOE is organizing to read to schoolchildren.


* Just the Facts, Ma’am: The county Sheriff’s Department is at, the Los Angeles Police Department’s Central Division is at, and the Los Angeles County Municipal Court is at And just for good measure, you’ll find the Fire Department online at Though none of these are probably the best places to go in an emergency.


Please send site suggestions to [email protected].
