
Council OKs Raising Fees of Most Parking Meters

On July 30, the price of an hour’s worth of parking at most downtown meters will double.

The City Council approved a plan last week to raise the rate of 310 on-street two-hour parking meters from 25 cents to 50 cents per hour.

“We want to encourage a higher turnover of the desirable on-street spaces,” said Dave Doyle, assistant to the city manager.

An estimated $100,000 increase in annual revenue is expected as a result of the price increase, Doyle said.


The meter increase came after complaints from downtown business owners that local employees were parking in prime storefront spaces, leaving few spaces for customers, Doyle said. Off-street meters will remain at 25 cents an hour.

Meters located on Manhattan Beach Boulevard near Aviation Boulevard will not be affected by the increase, officials said.
